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《道氏理论:顶级交易员深入解读》 作 者:Robert Bhea(原著) 魏强斌(译注)

Fourth. Currently the financial market is developing at a staggering speed. Stock, forex,gold, commodity, index futures, interest rate futures, options, etc., everything new is coming out. So many opportunities! Well , if we just rely on human mind in grasping these opportunities, it is absolutely not enough. The emergence of large-scale funds makes the risk of personal judgment of fund managers pretty high. Take it easy, anyway, because we now have mechanical trading and systematic trading which has become an irrevocable trend of this age. Furthermore, derivatives such as options can not live without systematic trading and mechanical trading for it involves usage of large amount of mathematic and physical models which are simply beyond the reach of human strength.

Chinese people believe that human mind is superior to computer. Well ,this is not wrong, but it is not completely right either. The greatness of human mind is its creativity;while its weakness is that it ’s vulnerable to emotion and past experiences. In modern financial trading, the main function of a trader is not looking at the board and executing deals-these are the responsibilities of the trading system-instead, his main function is to design the trading system and examine the performance of it and make according improvements. This process unifies human creativity and mechanical uniformity. The success of a trader is derived from tow factors: smart idea and discipline. When the trader is executing deals, discipline becomes a problem; when existing trading system makes newcomers give up thinking, creativity becomes dead. If, we let the trader and the trading system do their respective jobs well, what we need to do is soliciting profit from market only!

As the earliest Trading Ideas Provider who advocates mechanical trading and systematic trading in the mainland, we hope that our books will bring real progress to you. Of course,there is no free lunch. Long-term existence does not merely rely on luck. Please make some efforts! Superb skill, perfect mind, excellent eyesight, strong will, rich knowledge-all these are merits that a great trader shall have to command. Finally, please allow us to help you squeeze into the queue of the greatest traders of this century!


第一章  道氏理论的演化The Evolution of a Theory



查尔斯·H.道并未将自己的这些观察心得命名为道氏理论,正式命名的工作是由他的继任者和朋友S.A.尼尔森1902年在《股票投机入门》(The ABC of Stock Speculation)一书中首度提出的。尼尔森试图从实际运用的角度来阐释查尔斯开创的理论方法。




汉米尔顿在1922年撰写了一本名为《股市晴雨表》(The Stock Market Barometer)的专著。因为可以不受篇幅的限制,他在专著当中详细地阐释了道氏理论的原理和方法,这本书目前在市面上已经绝版了,但是它确实是一本经典而成功的著作。这本书在当时引发了激烈的讨论,对后世的影响也极其深远,以至于现在都还能看到这本书在财经媒体上的影响力。遭受非议的主要地方在于那些号称能够基于统计学预测股市的人大都不承认






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